Sports Injuries



Visiting a physiotherapist early on after a sports-related or general injury can significantly accelerate the healing process. You can trust in their expertise to identify injuries that may require further examination through an X-ray or scan, and they will refer you back to your GP if necessary. Treatment can commence immediately and will progress according to the healing process.

To manage swelling and promote healing, the physiotherapist may use techniques such as ice, compression, and elevation, while gentle non-resisted active or assisted range of motion exercises may begin early on. In the case of lower limb injuries, taping of the affected area and reduced weight-bearing may be required.

In addition, modalities like ultrasound, laser, and IFC are often employed to stimulate healing and alleviate pain. The application of Kinesio Tape can also aid in healing and pain reduction, while reinforcing muscle re-training and promoting proprioceptive awareness.

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